Oaklands Christmas Save the Date_v2Front

Oaklands Christmas Save the Date_v2_Back letter only

Oaklands Christmas Gala

Friday, December 6th

Evergreen Sponsor- $1,000 (6 tickets to the Gala & listing on the party invitation)

Poinsettia Sponsor- $500 (4 tickets to the Gala & listing on the party invitation)

Holly Sponsor- $250 (2 tickets to the Gala & listing on the party invitation)


36th Annual Candlelight Tour of Homes

Saturday, December 7th

Carol Sponsor- $1,000 (14 tickets to the Candlelight Tour & included in publicity)

Harp Sponsor- $500 (8 tickets to the Candlelight Tour & included in publicity)

Wreath Sponsor- $250 (6 tickets to the Candlelight Tour & included in publicity)