ADA Accessibility for Oaklands Mansion, Murfreesboro, TN
Oaklands Mansion is committed to making its facilities and programs accessible to as many individuals as possible. If you require assistance, please call 615-893-0022 or email in advance so we may accommodate you.
ACCESS INFORMATION for Oaklands Mansion:
At the current time, certain areas of Oaklands Mansion are not fully accessible to individuals with disabilities, due to architectural barriers inherent in the historic construction of the structure. Oaklands Mansion strives to provide a quality level of accessibility to the Museum’s historical interpretation following the Museum’s mission. We recognize, however, that the preservation and interpretation of an early 19th-century historic building may present challenges for our visitors. As an historic house museum, our efforts focus on balancing our commitments to preserve the historical resources in our care and to provide the greatest possible access to them. Therefore, Oaklands Mansion seeks to develop and provide opportunities that facilitate reasonable access to the museum’s educational programs, operations, and services to a diverse public. The following is a description of access services available at Oaklands Mansion.
Adopted 2012 Revision 12/17/2019